The Red Horizon is an independent news platform established by journalists and activists from around the world. Our mission is to provide in-depth and reliable information on topics that are often overlooked or insufficiently covered by mainstream media. This platform is dedicated to upholding universal values such as human rights, justice, and freedom, while aiming to offer our readers a diverse and independent perspective.

At The Red Horizon, we are committed to maintaining independent and impartial journalism, free from commercial or political interests. Our team works diligently to ensure the accuracy and reliability of every piece of content we publish. By presenting a wide range of viewpoints and opinions, we strive to encourage critical thinking within society.



As a community that believes in independent, accurate, and unbiased journalism, we are dedicated to bringing together different voices and promoting diversity. All of our content reflects the independent thoughts of our contributors, and we adhere to an editorial policy that supports plurality and inclusivity.

We are pleased to welcome all readers who are committed to contributing to reliable journalism to join the The Red Horizon family.

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We value your feedback and look forward to hearing from you. If you have feedback, questions or suggestions about our news and updates, or if you want to share developments happening in your community, feel free to reach out to us. Your contributions will help us deliver accurate and effective news and analyses.